
Passions are personal, and mine are no different.

My passion is to love everyone. I don't care who you are, what you think, or how you do things, my goal is to make you feel loved.

Another of my passions is words. Books, poems, conversations, and even arguments are my passion. I use words every day. Without words, especially the written word, I do not think I would be the person I am today.

Music is the magic of the soul. It can make you laugh, cry, think, or even become a call to arms. A heavy march drum beat gets me going as does a melodic circular tune that seemingly has no end. I am as happy with a Disney song as I am with Metallica entertaining my spirit.

My biggest passion is humanity. I think that it is extremely important to do our part but to not lose ourselves while we are trying to help others. The uniqueness that is each person on this planet should always be embraced, and accepted, not merely tolerated. Who are we to tell others how to think, what to do, or who to be?

© 2018 McCorbin - Author, Texan, and so much more!
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